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Prolax Forte


Product weight
4 p.
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  • Seamless Functionality: Prevents gas, bloating, and cramps.
  • Rapid Effectiveness: Regulates transit time, enhances bowel movement.
  • Balanced Maintenance: Supports sodium, potassium, and water equilibrium.
  • Easy Dissolvability: Contains no sugar or artificial flavors.


Prolax is an osmotic laxative that helps regulate bowel movements and relieve constipation. It works by drawing water into the colon and softening the stool, thus facilitating bowel evacuation.


Benefits of Prolax: 

    • Does not cause side effects such as bloating, feeling of fullness, and cramps.
    • Acts quickly and effectively.
    • Contains electrolytes that help maintain water balance in the body.
    • Easily soluble in any beverage.
    • Free from sugar and artificial flavors.


How Prolax Works: 

Prolax contains osmotically active substances that draw water into the colon. This leads to an increase in stool volume and softening, facilitating bowel evacuation.


64000 mg Macrogol 3350 (polyethylene glycol)

5700 mg Anhydrous sodium sulfate

1680 mg Sodium hydrogencarbonate

1510 mg Sodium chloride

750 mg Potassium chloride

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