Menschen sehen sich das gerade an
Iron Chelate


60 t. | 20 mg.

Schnelle Lieferung an die Haustür

Super Premium Qualität

Vorteilhafte Preise


Supporting Cardiovascular Health:

Chelated Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin, which supports the transport of oxygen in the body. Adequate iron intake can contribute to the prevention and treatment of anemia and increase the vitality of the body.

Boosting the Immune System:

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the optimal function of the immune system. Together with chelated iron, vitamin C supports the production of immune cells and protects the body from infections and diseases.

Increasing Energy Levels:

Chelated Iron plays an important role in the body's energy metabolism and helps convert food into usable energy. Adequate iron intake can reduce fatigue and exhaustion, thus contributing to increased vitality and energy levels.

Optimizing Cognitive Functions:

Both chelated iron and vitamin C are involved in the normal functioning of the brain. These nutrients can support memory, concentration, and cognitive abilities, thus contributing to the long-term maintenance of brain health.

Protection against Oxidative Stress:

Chelated Iron and vitamin C act as antioxidants and protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. This can contribute to the prevention of premature aging and diseases associated with cell damage.

Additional Benefits of Ferrochel + Vitamin C:

  • May improve bone health
  • May improve muscle function
  • May improve skin health
  • May improve mood

Ferrochel + Vitamin C is a safe and effective supplement for people who want to improve their overall health and well-being.


  • Vitale Sauerstoffzufuhr: Mehr Energie, weniger Müdigkeit.
  • Starke Abwehrkräfte: Tägliche Unterstützung für ein starkes Immunsystem.
  • Bekämpfung von Müdigkeit, Belebung des Lebens: Optimierte Eisenaufnahme für Vitalität.
  • Gehirnleistung verbessern: Kognitive Funktionen stärken mit wichtigen Nährstoffen.
  • Zellschutz: Antioxidantien schützen die Gesundheit und bremsen den Alterungsprozess.


Eisenchelate (Eisenbisglycinat): 20mg (100mg)

Vitamin C (Ascorbinsäure): 20 mg

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